Todaay is the 24 may 2012,watching you on Joyce Meyer talking about single parents but am married i have 3 girls aged 11y, 9y, & 6yrs.used worry alot about how good they will be at school &life in general.i thank God that i have learnt to put them to god for he will never put me to sheam.what am asking of you is how do i have a open,loving & caring reletionship with my babies & for them to never let go of our Lord Jesus’s word,love & do the works of God.
please help,may you stay blessed.
Dr. Linda
Wendy, You keep training them in the things of the Lord. You plant the Word of God deep in their heart. You model the love of God in your own life and show them by example, the power of prayer, praise and worship.
Todaay is the 24 may 2012,watching you on Joyce Meyer talking about single parents but am married i have 3 girls aged 11y, 9y, & 6yrs.used worry alot about how good they will be at school &life in general.i thank God that i have learnt to put them to god for he will never put me to sheam.what am asking of you is how do i have a open,loving & caring reletionship with my babies & for them to never let go of our Lord Jesus’s word,love & do the works of God.
please help,may you stay blessed.
Wendy, You keep training them in the things of the Lord. You plant the Word of God deep in their heart. You model the love of God in your own life and show them by example, the power of prayer, praise and worship.