Do I Have Food Issues? 10 questions

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During coffee one morning, Rita said, “I wonder if I have a food problem.” While this was sort of surprising, I pressed,  “Why do you think that? What brought this on?” She replied, “I just feel I am thinking too much about food and losing control.”

Rita isn’t alone. You may be thinking the same. Here are 10 questions to ask yourself when it comes to food or eating problems:

  1. Do I constantly think about food, my body or my weight? While it is normal to obsess some on you body in today’s culture, it’s not normal to constantly think or talk about your body and weight. This focus can indicate a growing obsession on controlling how you look. This over focus can be caused by feeling out of control in other areas of your life.
  2. Does the thought of eating make me feel anxious? It should not. So the question is why do you feel anxious to eat? Food is nourishment and should not bring on anxiety. This could indicate a deeper issue.
  3. Am I afraid I’ll get fat? No one likes to gain weight but a fear of gaining weight signifies an unhealthy focus.
  4. Do I keep eating when I’m not physically hungry? This usually indicates compulsive eating or emotional eating. You no longer eat in response to hunger cues, but emotional ones.
  5. Do I eat until I feel sick? This is a sign of binge eating and is not healthy. The lack of control over the food, eating quickly and lots of calories in a short amount of time defines binge eating. It is a potential sign of bulimia and binge-eating disorder.
  6. Do I weigh myself several times a day or week? This is obsessive. It also indicates worry over eating and gaining weight to an extreme. No one should weigh themselves multiple times a day or week. Our weight fluctuates based on a number of factors so multiple weigh-ins will bring undue anxiety.
  7. Am I upset if I miss exercising? Exercise is good for all of us, but if you miss a work out or a few days a week due to busyness and feel anxious, you may have a problem.
  8. Do I make myself throw up after I’ve eaten or take laxatives to lose weight? This is considered purging, a sign of bulimia or anorexia with purging. These are very unhealthy ways to lose weight and can create serious medical problems. So if you find yourself beginning this pattern or doing this, get professional help.
  9. Do I feel like food has taken control of me? If yes, this is a sign you might need professional help. You need to feel in control of your eating. Other wise, food is symptomatic of other things in your life that feel out of control. A positive relationship with food is our goal.
  10. Do I hate my body? I hope not. No one has a perfect body. You can work on looking your best. Stay at a healthy weight, take care of yourself. But body hate signals internal problems. Your body is the target of other negative emotions you feel towards yourself. Those need to be identified and worked through.

If you answered YES to a number of these questions related to food issues, you may have an eating disorder or show early signs of developing one. The sooner you do something about your attitudes and feelings toward food, the more you can avoid falling prey to unhealthy patterns. Call a mental health professional and get an evaluation today!

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