Mom I’m Bored!

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Summer will soon be here. Get ready for, “Mom, I’m bored.” Try these 10 suggestions!

Dr Linda Helps – “Mom, I’m bored. There is nothing to do around here!” Is there a parent reading this who has never heard these words, particular around the beginning of July when summer break is in full swing? With all the “stuff” kids have, it’s amazing how easily boredom sets in.

Here are 10 suggestions to help keep your children from summer boredom:

1) Turn off the TV, computer and other electronic forms of entertainment. Limit use to minimal times in the day. Electronic “stuff” teaches kids to attend for short intervals, encourages passive activity and doesn’t stimulate cognitive development. Children and teens who spend much of their day in front of television and movies are less imaginative and have more difficulty delaying gratification. Many are overweight. While electronic “stuff” occupies time, it doesn’t provide much benefit. Kids need to be active, thinking and interacting with real people.

2) Enroll your child in day camps or park and recreation activities. Many cities have organized opportunities for children. For example, my son will attend a one week, half day, Slime Camp in August. It’s basically a chemistry camp in which science becomes fun. He’ll get to blow up things and make gooey disgusting things, while making a mess somewhere other than my house! By August, he’ll be ready for the structured fun. Think ahead and look for interesting planned activities.

3) Find a fun class like cooking, sculpting, tap dancing, pottery making, etc. Summer is a good time to experiment with an area of interest. Your child can try something new and decide if he/she likes it. This is a good way to get your child to think about hobbies, special interests and new activities. Sometimes the classes will be offered for parents and children together, e.g., bird watching, cooking, sailing, etc.

4) Buy a pass to a community pool. This was the best investment of money I ever made. Swimming is active, fun and interactive. It’s also a great way to beat summer heat!

5) Get involved in the public library with a summer reading program. You will reinforce reading skills, explore books and relax in an air-conditioned room.

6) Explore your city. Check out the museums, points of interest, fun stores, etc. For example, Chicago offers free admission to museums on specific days of the week. Find parks, skateboard parks, nature walks, etc. Get out and explore your community.

7) Volunteer for civic organizations or church activities as helpers, workers or whatever is needed. Do a park clean-up day, a walk to fight cancer, teach at vacation bible school and take the kids, plant flowers at the church, etc.

8) Get kids a part time job. They can baby-sit, mow lawns, deliver papers, offer to do errands for an elderly person, etc.

9) Help your child develop a hobby like bird watching, card collecting and marbles. Have your child organize groups around those activities.

10) Encourage creative play around the house. Have bountiful art supplies, water games, board games, cards and put on dramatic plays. Be prepared for rainy days.

Summer doesn’t have to be boring. It can be rewarding and fun if you spend time planning for those days. Make summer a memorable experience and not just 90 days before school starts again.

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