If you struggle with depression, you may not be thinking about natural ways to boost your mood. Lifestyle changes can be made. Here are a few changes to consider making to improve your mood. The [...]
Have you ever thought, “If he/she would just change, things would be better?” But when you pressed for change, the person dug in their heels and was stubborn. Despite your pleas or best efforts [...]
Have you ever thought, “I am in a relationship, but I feel alone?” I call this alone together, the feeling of not being connected to an intimate other. Yes, you are physically together, but the [...]
I sat with a couple who was upset. Their son was getting married. Instead of feeling joy, they were anxious and concerned. Their son wasn’t paying attention to any of the red flags regarding the [...]
Are you going through a difficult time with a family member, a loved one, a co-worker or even a boss? Maybe you are on the brink of losing a relationship. Don’t give up hope. Instead, apply [...]
Panic is not a feeling anyone likes to have. The intensity of physical and psychological symptoms is often frightening. During a panic attack, you may feel as if you will die or lose total [...]
When we think of February, we usually think of Valentine’s Day and love. But some would disagree. Divorce attorneys report that January and February (just before Valentine’s Day) are the busiest [...]
Here comes the love feast holiday again! I can hear the sighs from some of you. As a single person, it’s not your favorite holiday. Who wants to be reminded of what is not happening when it [...]
It’s that time of year when we focus on love. Yes, Valentine’s Day! I heard a husband grouse about the day and say, “I don’t like being pressured to express my love. And I really don’t like being [...]
Disappointment happens all the time. People let us down and it hurts. But we never get used to being disappointed. For example, your father promised to take you to the Cubs game. He didn’t. [...]