You walk down the stairs to your basement. It is filled with stuff, everywhere. There isn’t a pathway to walk because of all the boxes and things you have stored and kept. You are afraid to [...]
Imagine living your life free from distraction, distortion, obsession and self-preoccupation…imagine living in the moment and liberated from the patterns of the past while being excited [...]
Imagine living your life free from distraction, distortion, obsession and self-preoccupation…imagine living in the moment and liberated from the patterns of the past while being excited [...]
My grandmother could cook with a vengeance. I have many fond memories of sitting at the kitchen table watching her pull dough for strudel, bake pies and create German delights. So when the U.S. [...]
Worry is one of the easiest things to do considering the world in which we live. We can worry about anything—nuclear war, unrest in the Mideast, a failing economy, our marriage, aging [...]
“You are an idiot and I hate you!” “You make me sick! Loser!” Parents cringe when they hear this type of speech out of the mouths of children. The tongue [...]
“Hey doc, I have this pain in my back and I don’t know why?” Chances are, your doctor may not know either. One study (2011, 620 German primary-care patients, Journal of [...]
I generally like the work of biological anthropologist, Helen Fisher. She wrote a book called, The Anatomy of Love, and concludes that women are more wired for monogamy than men. She [...]
What if eating strawberries, cucumbers and other produce could prevent an Alzheimer’s patient from memory loss? There may be new evidence for this based on mice studies. These findings have [...]
Mike is a 20-year-old college student who needs to score well on his next big test. If he doesn’t get a high grade, it could jeopardize his grade point average and chances of getting into [...]