This was inspired by a satire on THE ONION about Eminem. What would happen if Rapper Eminem’s 17-year-old daughter brought her boyfriend home to meet dad? Would dad, Marshall Mathers, AKA [...]
This interview with CBN News was based on the news story about Governor Sanford’s infidelity a few years ago, but has some terrific points in terms of how to think about [...]
I was on a radio show discussing how the behavior of politicians and celebrities give permission for children to bully each other. It was an interesting angle, looking at the behavior of adults [...]
Listen to my interview with Faith Radio this morning! Helpful strategies to reach your goals.
Today, on Cyber Monday, I won’t be shopping. I will be attending the funeral of my neighbor who, at 64 years of age, was working in his yard and died. His death was sudden and unexpected. I [...]
Maybe you are one of those people who got up at 4a.m and shopped until you dropped to hit all the Black Friday bargains. I did it once. Probably, won’t do it again. I had two problems. 1) I [...]
Happy Thanksgiving. I wanted to spend a few moments talking about the physical, psychological and social benefits of being grateful. If you need a reason to give thanks, here are a number of goof [...]
Reader Question: We are attending Thanksgiving at my in-laws and I am concerned about how they will treat my children. My husband is an only child and we have three very rowdy young boys. Last [...]
Reader Question: Q: Thanksgiving is a holiday that doesn’t seem to get its due. I want my children to understand the meaning of the holiday, as it is an important part of American history. [...]
Tis the season for alcohol to flow regularly. Office parties, get togethers, holidays celebrations. But does your age make a difference when it comes to alcohol consuming? As you age, you lose [...]