You put on that bikini and think, It’s just a bathing suit. Men see more skin on TV and in the movies than on me. No big deal, right? Well at the risk of once again sounding like a [...]
It’s Sunday night and you have a big day at work tomorrow. You need to get a really good night’s rest. But Monday morning you wake up tired and not feeling quite rested. What [...]
Trying to figure out how to have that healthy relationship with your mom? You are not alone. Take a look at TODAY contributor, Julie Halpert’s blog for insight into what works when it comes [...]
What do MTV and a biblical worldview have in common? Virtually nothing! So when I read that MTV was planning to do a reality TV show about a group of 18-25 year old virgins, I about [...]
Russ and Rachel were at it again. Russ is driving like a maniac through busy traffic. “Hey, slow down. You are driving way too fast!” “I know how to drive and don’t need [...]
Chris has been diagnosed by his psychologist as having ADHD (Attention Deficit/HyperActivity Disorder) but mom and dad are not sure this is the right diagnosis. They keep asking, other than our [...]
As a baby boomer, I see differences between people in my generation and millennials. I am the mom of two millennials and have church conversations with them all the time. With [...]
Yesterday I listened to another round of racial offense, this time located in the NFL. The story is basically this: A white football player went to a concert, starting drinking and made a racial [...]
What happened with the Pope’s comments, usually happens whenever any comment is made about homosexuality. It is taken out of context if it is not politically correct, and all attempts to [...]
Forget for the moment that Anthony Weiner is running for Mayor of New York City. Set aside your politics and think about Anthony Weiner’s behavior. Let’s pretend Weiner comes to see [...]