If you work to avoid negative emotional states such as anxiety and depression, perhaps work has taken on an addictive quality. In a state of frustration, Rachel recounted her life. [...]
Let’s say you really want a dog but you are afraid of dogs. Every time you see a dog, you become anxious and move away from the dog. This lowers your dog anxiety but doesn’t help you [...]
Peer pressure sounds like a negative thing because we usually think of it as something to resist. But the teenage brain loves social acceptance more than the adult brain. In fact, teens get [...]
After all the bad news of the day, did you find yourself smiling at the birth of the royal baby? If you did, you were engaging in stress relief! Stuck in traffic, SMILE! Someone cuts in line at a [...]
You see her trying to balance the checkbook. You have some advice that you are ready to give. After all, you are just trying to be helpful, but it turns out that your partner may not appreciate [...]
Glee star, Corey Monteith, made no secret of his struggle with drug addiction before his untimely death. Back in 2011, he made the comment that he was lucky to be alive given his history and [...]
The niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. shares her thoughtful response to the Zimmerman verdict. Dr. Alveda King: “Grieved over strife surrounding Zimmerman verdict” I believe that [...]
He sang about being your boyfriend, but what girl wants a guy who pees in a janitor’s bucket in a restaurant? Most “girlfriends” would run for the hills, thinking this guy [...]
Years ago, I began treating children with attention and behavioral problems with parent training. Yes, it was time consuming. Parents had to attend classes, track their child’s behavior and [...]
Do you ever have one of those days when you are mad at the way people behave? Something really unfair happens and you try very hard not to be offended? Not that I am not perfect, but when I [...]