It’s June. Wedding month! OK this is crazy. The average cost of a wedding today is around $26,000 to $28,400 according to a recent article in USA TODAY. And it appears that the bride and [...]
You make your morning run for a Grande Skinny Vanilla Latte, drink a cup of coffee at the office mid morning, and have a Diet Coke for lunch. Could you qualify for a mental disorder? Sounds [...]
The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM), version 5, is finally out after years of debate and posturing. This book is considered the “Bible” of psychiatry. It is the one used by [...]
Exodus 20: Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord your God. In it you shall do no work: you, [...]
Trust is foundational to any relationship. Today’s Blog is an audio blog. 15 minutes of Liberty Radio Journal. MMark Edwards and I sat down and talked about how to build trust in your [...]
Myth #1- Everybody is doing it. Marital fidelity is still the norm even though Hollywood depicts it as a dying possibility. Survey data suggests that 15% of women and 25% of men confess to [...]
In a few weeks, I will become the mother-in-law. For years, I have helped people in therapy deal with their in-laws. In-laws can easily become out-laws in families. In fact, researcher, [...]
I remember watching The Amanda Show with my kids and laughing a lot. We thought Amanda Bynes had a funny sense of humor and an entertaining show, but now, she is a mess. What happened to this [...]
It’s a busy day. You don’t have time to cook. On your way back from that late soccer practice, you swing by the fast food restaurant and order burgers, drinks and fries for the kids. [...]
A story from Anglican Ink shocked me the other day. I had to report it because this is a sign of our times –a sign warned about in Scripture. This is so sad and so wrong. Acts 16:16-34 is [...]