When Governor Chris Christie announced this week that he had weight loss surgery this past February, he made headlines. Christie has often talked about his weight, has been the brunt of late [...]
They look at Justin Bieber and all his success and think, “I can do that. I can be discovered on You Tube too!” So they post, upload, pin and tumblr– all in the hope of one [...]
Kim and Mark were hopeless romantics when they fell in love. But lately, the marriage was faltering and both were considering divorce. When they came to see me, I saw six signs of distress that [...]
You look at him across a crowded room, your eyes meet. You move towards him, and embrace. He’s the love of your life and reaches down to kiss you. WAIT….Stop the script. Could that [...]
The FDA decided to lower the age limit for the morning-after pill from 17 to 15-years-of- age. The pill can be bought without a prescription and from pharmacy shelves. You will find it in [...]
A very nice man at the VA told me that my dad couldn’t get his claims reviewed because of the sequester. Our government needs to save money. Sorry about your 92- year- old WWII Dad. I [...]
Ed and Jane were having marital problems. Jane was at the point of walking out. Ed rarely spoke to her. This once loving couple was now thinking divorce. So what happened? Like too many [...]
As summer approaches and more of us are going sleeveless again, we can certainly see the jiggle that comes with aging or not working out in the gym. Yes, we would all like to have the arms of [...]
In the past three months, you have binged on food at least 12 times. You hate that you do it and always feel guilty after, but something inside you compels you to do this (A binge is when [...]
Have you ever experienced a power outage? For the past two days, I have. For no apparent reason, I stopped getting power to my house. I felt completely cut off from the world, no TV, computer, [...]