I’m guessing that, “In this world, you will have trouble…” is not your favorite BIble verse to quote! But it is true, with trouble comes conflict. Conflict is always [...]
Men, when was the last time you rolled up your sleeves and tackled the dishes? Today’s modern family has women in the workplace and men much more involved in the home and parenting. This [...]
The good news is that stress levels are down for most Americans. We must be doing something right when it comes to handling the opportunities to let stress get the best of us. But one group is [...]
Day 3: Yes I am glad this is almost over! Dr. Oz always talks about food as medicine. OK, I get that but I am ready to enjoy my food again. Drinking it just doesn’t cut it when it comes to [...]
Day 2: I am motivated to keep going. I learned a few things from Day 1 so will make a few tweaks in this plan. Starter: green tea, stevia and lemon slice. I wasn’t as excited to drink [...]
With all the travel and eating out, I just felt like I wanted a DO OVER with eating. So I decided to do the Dr. Oz 3 day cleanse just to see if I would feel better and reset my body as [...]
So you are at that dinner party and you feel like you are carrying the conversation. As a woman, it’s the most natural thing to be entertaining others through verbal sparring and lively [...]
A typical question I get asked is, “Why can’t I just avoid conflict? It makes me uncomfortable. If, for example, my mother is driving me crazy, can’t I just ignore her? Or, if I [...]
This week, a New York State judged overturned Bloomberg’s controversial ban on the consumption of large sugary drinks. Correction, Bloomberg calls it a “portion control [...]
It’s that time when high schoolers decide to hit the tanning beds in preparation for prom, Spring banquets and more. But should they be tanning? Here are my 6 reasons why teens should [...]