Facebook has massive appeal. It allows us to stay in touch with friends, re-connect with people with whom we’ve lost contact, communicate with relatives, be aware of the needs of… [...]
A friendly elderly man brings cookies and candy to the Y every day. As soon as the children walk in the door, he offers the treats. Again, on the way out the door, the same treats are offered. [...]
When I say goodbye in the morning and see those sad black eyes looking up at me, I want to tell my dog to get in the car–she’s heading out with me. I’ve often wished I could [...]
It’s hard to imagine what the family of nine-year-old Ryan Kennedy is going through these days. Ryan has a rare form of brain cancer that has required multiple surgeries, rounds of [...]
First let me say, I am a huge advocate of breast feeding. I have worked on committees that target business to establish breast feeding rooms for nursing moms and breast fed both of my children. [...]
Awhile back, I sat down with Joyce Meyer on her TV show, Enjoying Everyday Life, to talk about how to embrace your body and make peace with it. Here is the You Tube interview, “You Are [...]
Even though my mom is no longer with me, I will miss her this Mother’s Day! This is a picture of us celebrating years ago. And while my mother-daughter relationship was not perfect, there [...]
In this week’s lead up to Mother’s Day, an adult daughter asks… Every Mother’s Day I have a hard time honoring my mom for this reason. She left our family to be with another man [...]
One of the common areas of tension between mothers and daughters involves boundaries. Boundaries are important because mothers and daughters often have different expectations about their [...]
In the past few weeks, I’ve been commenting on the way television shows handle temptation. Typically, what we see is the power of the temptation and no power to resist. So, from a Christian [...]