My last blog on Grey’s Anatomy ended with the hope that the writer’s would work us through April’s sexual encounter with Jackson. I was particularly hopeful that she would move [...]
Last night, I was channel surfing on the television. I landed on a show that chronicled the last 24 hours of a death row inmate about to be executed. I couldn’t watch it to the end. The [...]
Autism is a developmental brain disorder that cannot be medically diagnosed and treatment can be difficult. According to a 2008 CDC study, autism affects 1 in 88 children, a number that is up 78% [...]
In our sexually hyped culture, how does a man stay true to his family? The answers involves a little help from his biology! Testosterone is a major sex hormone and is responsible for sex drive [...]
Yesterday I posted a blog about the growing trend of not going to church. Here are a few of the reasons I think people stay home: 1) Church people require us to practice what we believe. It is [...]
I was surprised to learn that just 21% of people who call themselves Christians are committed to a community of faith (Faith by George Barna). Even though the Apostles’ Creed affirms that [...]
Last night I watched an episode of Grey’s Anatomy, hoping that they would actually write the Christian character right. As in the past, I was sorely disappointed. Here is what happened. The [...]
Spend a day watching TV, going to a movie, perusing the news and talking to your co-workers. How often does your faith become a part of the experience? If you are like me, not often. TV shows [...]
Mandy is a typical teen, but has decided abstinence is the way to go. Why? Because she believes that having sex before marriage is morally wrong. She learned that in her youth group at church. [...]
It isn’t always easy to figure out whether a teen is simply in the throws of adolescent moodiness or is depressed. We have to rely on observing changes in behavior and looking for symptoms that [...]