Megan (not her real name) told me, “I am strict, but not too strict. Yes, I do expect a lot from my children and can be demanding at times. I push for things to be done right. But my husband says [...]
I saw this headline from Medscape, dated August 3, 2023, “Euthanasia for Mental Illness–Right or Wrong?” I am shocked. Why is this even a question? How can we think about killing people who [...]
Do you find yourself anxious when you don’t have your phone? How about bingeing on a Netflix series or needing a podcast in your ear whenever you walk or go out? Have you noticed a mood change [...]
“Why don’t you ever pick up your clothes? Could you please just listen to me for once?” How did you react to reading the statements above? Does it sound like nagging? Nagging is a relationship [...]
You know you need to clean up that garage or extra bedroom. Your intentions are good. However, it hasn’t gotten done and your partner has had enough. You feel bad too because you fully intended [...]
Have you ever felt ignored in your relationship? Has life gotten in the way and you aren’t spending time with your partner? Well, you are not alone. This is what we call a common relationship [...]
It’s built in us. We don’t like injustice or unfair treatment. So we tend to judge those around us or in the news. But it is clear that the Bible instructs us, ”Do not judge or you too will [...]
During a couple therapy session, I noticed the wife kept looking at her husband every time I asked her a question. She was hesitant to speak and would glance his way before answering. He [...]
There is a bad habit that can hurt your relationship. It’s called phubbing, a made up word from the combination of phone + snubbing. Simply put, it is snubbing someone who is looking or [...]
If you’ve lived long enough, you have had what has been called, a “dark night of the soul.” You know, those times in life when we endure difficult or painful seasons and God seems silent. During [...]