Most of you know I am not a fan of children, teens and young adults spending long hours a day playing video games –especially the violent and sexually exploitative ones. We know from [...]
Susan’s marital distress reached a tipping point, leading her to see a marital therapist. Her chief complaint was that her husband refuses to change, blames her for all the family problems, [...]
This week I have had the opportunity to practice what I consider one of the most difficult passages in the Bible. It is found in Matthew 5: 43-48 (NIV). Jesus tells us how to treat those who [...]
A recent article in the Wall Street Journal entitled, The Gray Divorce” brought attention to a growing trend–divorce after 50. The article reported that for people 50 or older, the [...]
I was very challenged today by my devotional reading in Jesus Calling. The entry focused on how we approach problems when they arise. Our human tendency is to get upset. panic or worry, and [...]
Now that we are well into the school year, kids everywhere are faced with the challenge of how to deal with bullies. Here’s a typical encounter: Your 5th grade son is playing soccer on the [...]
A little help to break the overeating habit: Start a journal. Write down where you were, what you were feeling and how you responded every time you overeat. You may find a pattern to your [...]
Have you ever said, “Why did I eat that? I wasn’t hungry.” Most of us eat without thinking several times a day. But mindless or emotional eating is one of those behaviors that [...]
Tom’s wife made a spot on comment about his behavior, but Tom isn’t buying it. He looks at her and says, “You are wrong” and then becomes highly defensive. His wife tries [...]
Back in the 80s, marital therapists used to give angry couples nerf-like bats and tell them to go at each other. We also used to advise angry teens to hit their pillows or even purchase a [...]