I met Rick Santorum a year ago when he was considering a run for the Presidency. We were both waiting on a meeting in DC. After my introduction, he took a phone call for a radio interview. I [...]
You see it in sit coms. The “I don’t have a clue” husband whose wife is constantly telling him what to do or reminding him what he seems to be not doing. While we may laugh at [...]
I was surprised to read that divorce attorneys report that January and February (just before Valentine’s Day) are the busiest time of year for divorce. Think about it. Couples try to [...]
When Demi Moore was hospitalized yesterday, my first therapeutic instinct was to wonder about an eating disorder. I have treated people with eating disorders for over 25 years. While Moore has [...]
Want to be smarter? IQ is not a fixed number that can’t be influenced. You can actually boost your IQ with these 5 practical steps: 1) Take on a new task. new and novel stimulate the brain [...]
Another celebrity couple decides to split. If you haven’t heard, Heidi Klum and Seal announced their decision to separate for “irreconcilable differences” after seven years of [...]
God’s plan is not for you to be depressed. He wants you experiencing His joy no matter the circumstances of your life. Yet approximately 20 million people suffer from clinical depression [...]
Most of us are focused on losing those extra pounds from holiday eating. Well here is a quick tip on how to do that when snacking. The time of day you eat a snack could impact losing weight. A [...]
What happens to children when the parents can’t deal with conflict? You might be surprised at the impact on kids. Watch the video … Read the full post here »
Who likes to think about death, especially the things that can bring early death–getting hit by a car, smoking, excessive drinking, obesity, etc. But did you ever think that getting divorce [...]