Feeling down and blue? Has the gloom of winter gotten you? The sky is cloudy and dark. You feel tired, unable to concentrate, want to eat, crave carbohydrates, and feel like being alone. It’s [...]
I finally made it back to the gym a few week’s ago and noticed how crowded it was getting to my machines. I also know that by February, most of those eager faces will never brighten the [...]
Beyonce and Jay-Z had a baby girl! Congrats to them. Always glad for a healthy birth! But apparently not everyone is overjoyed with the circumstances surrounding this birth. According to [...]
In a difficult job market, it always pays to be highly productive in your work. What are those habits that make for a good worker who gets the job done? 1) Refuse to multi-task.Research confirms [...]
Sarah Gellar is the actress who starred in the TV series, Buffy, The Vampire Slayer.She made news recently –not because she is married to Freddie Prinze, Jr. or because she is a vampire on [...]
It’s a know fact that smokers tend to live shorter lives than nonsmokers. In fact, smoking two cigarettes a day can shorten your life by about 22 minutes. Now what if I told you that [...]
Sometimes, you just want to shake a parent and say, “Really, get a grip.” That’s what I wanted to do to Miki Spies, the mother of high school senior Sydney. Instead of talking [...]
I’ve seen my share of angry divorces in all my years as a marriage and family therapist, but this takes the cake. Angry spouses usually throw clothes out the door, pack boxes and ship them [...]
I sound like a broken record when I harp on all the sex in media. Pick a week of TV –Fox’s Glee–the characters are deciding whether or not to have sex; CW’s 90210 is a [...]
It’s a tall biblical order–be anxious about nothing. About 40 million of us struggle to follow this command. In my book, Letting Go of Worry,I explain how worry is the mental part of [...]