If you have children, you want them to be thankful and not take the blessings of this life for granted. One mom writes and asks how to help her children be thankful this Thanksgiving season. Try [...]
Anger is a misunderstood emotion. Take the 10 question anger quiz to see how well you understand anger: T F 1. As long as I don’t look or sound angry, I am not angry. T F 2. [...]
Last night I caught myself beginning to worry about something in the near future. I had to stop and do what I know to do. Worry is a mental habit that needs to broken. My new book, Letting Go of [...]
Christina Jonas Kennedy interviews Dr. Linda Mintle on her latest book, Letting Go of Worry. Here is an excerpt of that interview: Christina Jonas Kennedy: If people could only gain a few key [...]
Win Dr. Linda Mintle’s newest book that releases October 1, 2011 Letting Go of Worry Forward by Ruth Graham Here is all you do to win. Contest ends October 1, 2011 You must have a United [...]
Read the full review of I Love My Mother But from Psych Central. “No doubt this book will empower readers. Even in the most impossible of situations, daughters can still achieve a [...]
Dr. Linda joined Beliefnet.com this July 1, 2011. Check out my blog DOING LIFE TOGETHER on the Christianity channel. Daily, I comment on life, integrating faith and mental health to every day [...]
Mother’s Day can be a wonderful time of celebration or a difficult time of grieving losses and hurts. No matter the state of your relationship, you can always find a way to follow that [...]
Dr. Linda takes a few minutes to talk with Kim Iverson about mother-daughter relationships based on her new book I Love My Mother But… Dr. Linda Mintle on Your Time with KIm Iverson
Julie is frustrated with her weight. She has been steadily gaining for months and can’t stop bingeing on candy. The more her weight goes up, the more depressed she becomes. Every night Julie [...]