When you are bulimic you can also suffer from depression, anxiety, substance abuse and other psychological problems. You might be an episodic drinker–not drink for periods of time and then [...]
Loving your responses to the title, I Love My Mother But… Keep your 50 words or less entries coming and mail to me at [email protected] I Love My Mother But…
If you post a review of Dr. Linda’s new book, “I Love My Mother, But…,” on Amazon.com before April 1, we will send you a free book as a thank you. You will need to email [...]
Join me as I chat about my new book, I Love My Mother But… Available March 1, 2011 (Harvest House)
Unexpressed anger can be at the root of depression. When we are angry and bury it inside, we put ourselves at risk. Anger must be acknowledged, appropriately expressed and let go. Madison’s [...]
A reader asks: Instead of being happy about the holidays, my 11 year old seems irritable and tired and doesn’t want to talk about Christmas. His dad and I divorced this summer and I am a single [...]
Men, listen up! Here is what women say they want you to know. This isn’t a scientific survey or an exhaustive list. it is a place to start to get a clue. WOMEN WANT… To be listened to [...]
I asked men what they wanted women to know. Although this is not a scientific study or exhaustive, you will enjoy the answers. MEN WANT… Solutions to problems without a lot of discussion. [...]
Death is never easy to handle . What helps or doesn’t help when it comes to handling grief? 1) There is no time limit on grief. Eventually you will access the loss and gradually adjust. [...]
Not much media attention is given to men and eating disorders. One in ten males suffer. Not much media attention is given to men and eating disorders. One reason may be that these disorders are [...]