A patient who was seeing me in couple’s therapy said, “My wife doesn’t have much empathy. And she doesn’t return my affection. It’s subtle, and I can’t really put my finger on it. She says things [...]
Happy Mother’s Day! One of my greatest joys is being a mother to my two children. They had my heart the day they were born and my love for them only continues to grow through the years. To all [...]
Jessica revealed to her church small group that she struggles with depression. She is one in five people who will be diagnosed with a mental health disorder this year. And if she doesn’t address [...]
Have you ever noticed how many commercials tell us that we deserve to have things? We deserve a new car, a new phone, a certain type of meal or food, a better job, a vacation…the list goes on and [...]
Physical appearance matters to most of us. And yet, our negativity towards our body can lead to mental health problems like depression and eating disorders. To that point, I was once asked by a [...]
We know that attraction is often created when you work in proximity with someone. You see them everyday and get to know them. You talk regularly, share problems, laugh and spend hours [...]
Quick entry this week: Got a problem? How are you responding? My devotional reading in Jesus Calling challenged me when it comes to answering this question. The entry focused on how we approach [...]
You see it all the time in sitcoms. The “I don’t have a clue” husband whose wife is constantly telling him what to do, or reminding him what he is not doing. While we may laugh at this comedy [...]
Have you noticed how almost every streaming show is filled with cursing? And it’s not just a little. One show I watched used the f-word 29 times in 30 minutes. It felt assaultive. Frankly, [...]
“You are nothing but a loser.” “Why would anyone want to be with you?” “You are worthless and lucky you have me.” These are emotionally abusive words. No one deserves to be treated this way, yet [...]