There are many ways to thank a Veteran for their service on this Veteran’s Day. but first, a few personal messages: To my dad, a 97 years-old veteran of WWII from the greatest generation, we [...]
A few years ago, I interviewed Butch Harman, the executive producer and cartoonist of the TV show, Fairly Odd Parents. He told his personal story how humor and laughter helped him through [...]
Do you find yourself scrolling endlessly and compulsively through the lives of other people on social media? Then you realize, “I’ve lost a couple of hours of my day!”And you feel worse, not [...]
Bullies come in all sizes, shapes and ages. Adults and children can be bullied on social media or in every day life. The trick is to know how to stop a bully. What strategies are most effective? [...]
Our child is three-years old and doesn’t know anything about Halloween. My husband and I talked about it and decided we are not going to celebrate the holiday. Surprisingly, my friends are giving [...]
Be anxious about nothing! For over 40 million people, living this directive is not easy. Anxiety seems to be a part of modern life. And anxiety often has its companion, worry, close at hand. In [...]
Sometimes I think I have a hyper-active fairness gene. I become quite upset when people suffer injustice or unfair treatment. When that happens, my tendency is to judge. But I have learned to be [...]
Recently we moved to another state and had to start over finding friends, a church, doctors, repair people and all the things you take for granted when you lived somewhere for a while. Moving is [...]
Most of us need a little push or help to do hard things. When it comes to motivating yourself to make change, it can be a struggle. Change is hard work. We often have good intentions to change [...]
So many of us have the goal to lose a few pounds. But we all know that losing weight is not the easiest thing to do. Most often, we need extra motivation to make life changes. We also know how [...]