One thing you can count on in life is being disappointed. It happens to all of us now and again. For example, you didn’t get the raise you thought you deserved. Your spouse didn’t do much for [...]
Ah summer! The time we slather on the sun tan lotion and spend hours in the hot sun. But as this redhead knows, tanning is a problem. Years from now, your skin will thank if you are cautious and [...]
Have you ever met someone who is totally convinced that what they believe is true despite the lack of evidence? The person has what is called a delusion. For example, I had a patient who really [...]
Happy 4th of July This holiday is s day to remember the formal adoption of the Declaration of Independence. The 1776 Continental Congress fought for freedom from tyranny knowing this bold step [...]
You know the drill. You reach for that second piece of pie. It tastes so good but you aren’t really hungry. After a few bites you think, “Why did I just eat that? I wasn’t [...]
As we come out of the pandemic and resume a more interactive life, there is a lot to think about when it comes to our mental health. So many people experienced fear, uncertainty, anxiety, [...]
I am blessed. I loved my dad and love my husband who is the best dad. So Happy Father’s Day to all the dads! But I realize that on this day when we honor dads, not evIeryone feels the same. [...]
The minute something negative happens, it is so easy to be discouraged and think negative thoughts. We get called into the boss’ office and immediately think we are in trouble. Or [...]
Have you ever wondered why some people struggle with mental health more than others? Two people can go through the same experience and one copes well and the other does not? The answer has [...]
Ben had a terrible anger problem. His rage stemmed from living with an abusive father who criticized and belittled him as a child. As an adult, Ben hates the way his anger seems to unleash itself [...]