“Stop being so OCD!” “You are obsessed with your phone.” “I am obsessed with him!” “I am obsessed with that line of make-up!” The term OCD is [...]
A co-worker and I walked out of a meeting. She said, “Well that administrator didn’t know how to read the room! He was totally out of touch with the problems we face. And he didn’t show any [...]
So many people are anxious about the pandemic. It has thrown anxiety front and center. We worry about everything now. How will our kids fare? What is the job market going to be like? Will I [...]
Lisa: “Hey Tim, would you mind taking out the trash on your way to the car?” Tim could feel his anger rising. Yes, it was a simple request but he knew he was about to have another [...]
Our Governor, a physician, announced that marijuana will be legalized in Virginia July 1 of 2021 with retail sales to begin in 2024. No reasons were given except it’s time and this will [...]
The last time I did a live call-in radio show on the topic of in-laws, the phones rang off the hook. Not everyone has the blessing of good in-laws. But like it or not, the in-laws are part of [...]
Another couple I know is calling it quits after 27 years of marriage. The husband announced that he is done and wants to be happy. He’s not happy and believes he needs a different partner [...]
Depression is often described like being in a dark tunnel. It is a complicated disease affecting more women than men. While you may have heard that depression results from chemical imbalance, [...]
The pandemic has made the normal celebrations of Easter and Holy Week more challenging this year. During Palm Sunday, I worshipped on-line without my palm branch in hand. Instead, I had my coffee [...]
Is it time to do a little self-examination when it comes to your intimate relationship? Have you ever taken the time to think about how you can be the best partner? What does it take to go the [...]