Jason left home to attend college when he was 18. Church attendance was a low priority. None of his friends were Christians. After growing up in the church, he found himself surrounded by people [...]
Recently, I was on a morning drive radio show. The producer sent me an article on shopping revenge. According to a news report, a whole bunch of us will have a pandemic response of revenge [...]
A 1938 stage play involved a husband who tried to drive his wife to insanity. His method? Make her think reality wasn’t real by telling her the dimming lights in their home were not dimming at [...]
A young Navy wife comes to therapy: Wife: All my husband does is leave for deployments. I am tired of this and I don’t like it! Me: Did you know this was part of the job when you married [...]
I cry during movies! Toy Story 3 is a double whammy. The tears begin when Andy leaves the toys for college. Then we see all the toys holding hands when they are about to be incinerated. The [...]
“I can’t imagine what it must have been like to go through what you just did. It sounds awful and I am here to listen.” Do you have someone in your life who offers this [...]
The biblical story of Jonah is a familiar one if you grew up with flannel boards in Sunday school. It’s a story that has all the elements of a good movie. In the story, God tells Jonah, a [...]
A few years ago, an angry and revengeful man shot two journalists in cold blood. By his own admission, he was a time bomb waiting to explode, fueled by offenses that appeared to have been [...]
There are times in our lives when we feel we are in a dark season. It’s like we have fallen into a pit-physically, mentally, emotionally, financially or even spiritually. Things happen; [...]
People give lots of common excuses not to go to counseling. Take David, for example. David’s mood is a problem. He is irritable and difficult to be around lately. Something is really bothering [...]