“I can’t believe he just broke up with me!” Anna is headed for the ice cream and about to engage in stress eating. This happens all the time. Holidays are no exception. In fact, they are more [...]
Lately, there has been disturbing news of religious leaders betraying the trust of their followers. Many are asking, do we have a crisis of leadership? Or is God cleaning up His church? What has [...]
“Truth is so obscure in these times, and falsehood so established, that, unless we love the truth, we cannot know it.” Blaise Pascal We have a real crisis in America. No, I am not talking about [...]
A child struggling with weight issues has to face an unsympathetic world–one steeped in the idolatry of the body, glamorizing thinness at all costs. “Thin is in” and the pressure to conform is [...]
“It’s not fair,” a phase usually repeated by children as they stomp their feet and turn away. But lately there is a great deal of stomping and yelling, “It’s not fair” by adults. And I will [...]
We know that teasing can be harmful to children. It can result in feelings of rejection, discrimination, peer relationships problems and limited group and social interests. Because of this, [...]
It’s easy to be with someone who is kind, thoughtful, caring and downright nice. But what is it about someone who makes you think, I just don’t want to be around that person? Here are my top [...]
“What was the name of that man who worked on our cars for years? I can see his face. Ahh, I can’t think of his name!” A few minutes later….”Oh, yes, it was John Smith!” As you age, is [...]
We’ve been surrounded and battered by troubles, but we’re not demoralized; we’re not sure what to do, but we know that God knows what to do; we’ve been spiritually terrorized, but God hasn’t left [...]
You are home and bored. There must be something to do. Look around. On the counter, you see a bag of opened chips. You are not really hungry but so what! Boredom gets the best of you and [...]