As a licensed marriage and family therapist, I often talk about what it takes to build healthy relationships. But perhaps another question is, what does it take to derail a relationship? How do [...]
Blame. We hear it on a daily basis now. No matter what you listen to or watch, someone is blaming someone for something. Frankly, I am tired of it. It is exhausting in the national discourse and [...]
A big change in Tiffany’s life was about to happen. Her husband was considering a job change and she was feeling anxious. If her husband took the new position, so much would change in her life. [...]
In doing couples coaching, I draw heavily on the three decades of research by John Gottman, Robert Levenson and colleagues at the Gottman Institute. This group has contributed much to our [...]
There are a lot of angry people in our culture today. Troll your social media. Anger is spewed toward people with no regard to potential consequences. And listen to newscasts on all the [...]
Are you easily angered? Do you have a low tolerance for frustration? Does any little thing annoy and frustrate you? Are you tired of feeling out of control? If so, consider this. Some people [...]
What type of abuse is hard to live with? You might think, well, this is a really dumb question. All types of abuse are hard to live with. And you would be right. But one type of abuse is [...]
A reader writes: My friend is depressed and I don’t know what to say or do. Any suggestions? Certainly. We all may encounter someone struggling with depression who needs help and support. I [...]
Many people suffer from what is called Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD). It is characterized by constant worry which leads to pervasive feelings of anxiety. Someone with GAD may interpret any [...]
School is back in session for kids, teens and college students. Or you might be an adult who decided to go back to school to learn a new field in order to have more options for a career. Whatever [...]