Recently, on my weekend radio show (podcasts are available anytime), we did two shows on dealing with a narcissist with an expert therapist. Why? Because so many people struggle with someone they [...]
Both kids and adults eat out of emotional needs. Kids may eat as a reaction to marital tension or the threat of divorce. Many kids eat to cope with stress and anxiety over performance and [...]
What happens to couples when they are stuck at home 24/7? Have you heard of pandemic divorce? Take Full House star Mary-Kate Olsen who referring to her husband, told the New York Post, ““I just [...]
Video games are supposed to be fun to play, right? Well this one uses “fun” to instill a number of disturbing messages. German Public Broadcasting group created a video game that encourages the [...]
Guest blogger, Norm Mintle, Ph.D. gave permission to repost part of his recent blog on leadership. This is a timely read. Dr. Mintle holds an earned Ph.D. in Organizational Leadership. He [...]
Just a few weeks ago, August 18, 2020, we marked the 100th anniversary of passing the 19th amendment to the Constitution giving women the right to vote. This wasn’t an easy task. It required [...]
One of the things that stopped me from being a rebellious teen was, I wanted to please my dad. I thought the world of my father and his words of validation were so important. My need to please [...]
Most of us are familiar with the Freshman 15, but what about the COVID 15? You know, the weight gain that is plaguing so many during this time of pandemic. Look, it just makes sense. You [...]
Sir Edmund Burke once said, ” The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing.” When someone is mistreated or ridiculed, what do you do? Do you take action? [...]
It happens more than we want to admit. We overreact. And we don’t know why. Your child doesn’t follow a direction and you find yourself yelling. Or your spouse makes a negative remark and you [...]