In recent years. we have seen an uptick in the number of deaths by suicide. Suicide remains the leading cause of premature death.Yet, suicide is preventable. Therefore, we must think more [...]
Your best friend tells you how anxious she is. The natural response to this is to try and cheer her up. You tell her to calm down or get a grip on things. You tell her things could be worse. Your [...]
Enough of the video gaming! Stop asking me what I am doing all the time! Could you please help more with the kids! No I don’t want to watch another TV show! We’re quarreling and [...]
You knew this question had to be asked. Let’s begin with the need for intimacy and closeness. After all, we are supposed to social distance at 6 feet or more. This virus spreads through [...]
One of the most surprising reveals these past few weeks was Kelly Clarkson’s announcement that she is divorcing. It was surprising because we heard stories of her marital happiness prior to the [...]
Fathers are needed to raise children. Their presence shapes a child for adulthood and sets the stage for adult relationships. Here’s why: Fathers who have good relationships with mothers spend [...]
I was talking with one of my physician colleagues because a new article came out about COVID-19 transmission. Basically, it reinforced the fact that transmission is largely airborne. Masks are [...]
I used to get up at 6:15 am, get ready for work, stop at the Starbucks drive though, pick up my coffee and head to work. I had a routine. It was comfortable and predictable. Now, that routine is [...]
During the pandemic, much of the news is dire. Daily reports of death and despair seem to dominant the headlines. What you don’t always hear much about is faith and the positive impact it has on [...]
These past weeks, many have witnessed community violence in their neighborhoods and cities. As a result, you may feel grief and even anger at these incidents. The reason for this is that grief [...]