I want you to try something. Put a black dot on a white piece of paper. Now, look at the piece of paper and tell me what you see. Did you focus on that black dot in the center of the page? Or did [...]
When we were in Cozumel Mexico on a vacation with our children, our son wanted to buy a little trinket for a friend. He was browsing in the store and the shop owners were following him and [...]
Caution: The baby is this photo is politically incorrect. Her gender is stereotyped in pink. Stories now abound in the news about parents who” bravely” decide to raise their children [...]
You’ve been dating this guy. He seems really nice. He tells you he owns a dog. Is this more than a nice fact about his life? Yes, you can learn a lot about a person in terms of his pet [...]
Where is God when it hurts? This is the title of one of the many Philip Yancey books I read years ago. And today I am thinking about this title again. Friends of mine have a teenage son who [...]
Three mass shootings in eight days. The latest marks the 251st mass shooting in 2019; more than the number of days in this year. A mass shooting is defined as an incident in which at least [...]
One of the most common questions I am asked has to do with taking an antidepressant for depression. People wonder if it is wrong for a person of faith to rely on medication. Before I [...]
What happens to you in childhood matters. It doesn’t determine your life course, but does influence it. Adverse childhood experiences can derail you in adult life if you aren’t aware and learn [...]
Worry is something we try not to do, but are not always successful. We know it is not good for us, so why do we do it? Actually, there are many reasons. We may falsely believe worry serves a [...]
I looked at my colleague who used to feel passion and excitement for her job. Now, all she can do is make it through the day. Something has changed. She is disconnected and flat in her [...]