How often have you said, “I just need some sleep?” Your moody, making mistakes and almost had an accident on the way home from work. When you feel the need for sleep, you probably [...]
Its easy to complain about another person and much harder to work on ourselves. When you really think about what you can do to make a relationship better, it usually comes down to you making [...]
Rachel has conflict every day. She takes conflict as a personal assault. Her thinking is rigid and emotions are not managed. She blames others and never cares if she harms people or acts in [...]
One of my favorite books is the classic, Wuthering Heights, written by Emily Bronte. It’s a story of passionate love between Heathcliff and Catherine who have known each other since childhood. [...]
By now, you may have heard the excitement about esketamine as a breakthrough new drug for treatment resistant depression. Some people call it a game changer in the treatment of depression. One of [...]
Student doctors get all excited when a patient tells them he or she wants to stop drinking or using drugs. Of course, we all like to hear that news. But what they don’t realize early in [...]
“I love my partner. We are happy, but I am cheating on him.” This statement makes no sense to most of us. People who cheat are in bad marriages, right? Well, not necessarily. Yes, a [...]
Naomi could not get out of bed for work one day. Her motivation was gone. She was burnt out! It happens to far too many people and we need to look at why. One idea is that your personality could [...]
Are you growing apart? There are markers to indicate if this is the case. I recently watched a couple at a restaurant. They never spoke or interacted. One of them was on texting through most of [...]
Something is really bothering you. So you complain. Complaints are about the difference we see between our expectations and reality. We expect something and then it doesn’t come true. But [...]