Memorial Day usually means a day off, time to relax, barbecue, the beach and time with friends. But I hope on this Memorial Day you also take time to remember the significance of the day [...]
Kirstin was being pressed to say, ‘Yes” to a dating proposal. She didn’t know why she struggled to make this basic commitment to date a really nice man in her singles class at church. She wants [...]
There are times in our lives when we are more prone to anxiety and depression. For women, one of those times can be after the birth of a child and the early years of parenting. Life changes is [...]
I admit, when it comes to sharing finances in a marriage, I am old school. Once married, my husband and I combined our bank accounts and shared. We saw this as part of the “I” becoming a “We.” [...]
Mary suffers from depression and so did her mom. She now sees signs of depression in her young adult daughter. When it comes to depression, we know that it tends to run in families. If your [...]
Mother’s Day has been with us since 1914! But I had no idea the holiday was so controversial in its history. It actually had roots as a Christian festival known as Mothering Sunday. It [...]
I am in a job in which I can sit for hours at a time. I am writing at my computer, answering emails, and working on projects–all from my desk. And when I get into an assignment or project, [...]
In the middle of the book of Matthew are two verses that should give us all pause. Matthew 12:36-37 says, “But I say to you that for every idle word men may speak, they will give account of it in [...]
Tapping, or what is called, Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT not ECT!) is a popular alternative therapy that was developed by Roger Callahan (Pulos, 1999) and based on traditional Chinese [...]
When people deal with loss, I am often asked, what is the difference between sorrow and clinical depression? The difference matters because it has implications for our emotional, spiritual and [...]