The holidays are supposed to be a time of remembering the incredible gift we received from God–the birth of Christ. But a number of things can steal the joy of the season. So make a few [...]
It’s only the beginning of December and already people are talking about how stressed they are! Our reasons for stress are legitimate. There are family get togethers, cooking and baking, [...]
Every year, I remind readers to think ahead about how you will handle difficult family issues during the holidays. Why? Because this is one time of year we intentionally get together despite our [...]
Does the title, Help For The Holiday Disorganized, sound like a mental health disorder? It’s not, but if you are one of those people who gets overwhelmed by the holidays, then getting [...]
It’s the most wonderful time of the year for those who have the money for holiday spending. But hey, most of us have to watch our budget so as not to engage in holiday overspending. [...]
Ahh…sleep, we all love it but don’t get enough of it. Most of us are walking around sleep deprived. And we think, OK, I need to do better and try to get more sleep. No big deal! [...]
Nicole was doing well in school but found herself incredibly anxious. A freshman in college, she found her way to the counseling center for help. She discovered that anxiety is the number one [...]
Heather doesn’t want to be constantly thinking about a relationship break-up she had, but she can’t seem to get those unwanted thoughts out of her head. She finds herself [...]
For years, I taught a parenting course called, Dynamic Parenting ©. The course was designed to improve the behavior of children. One of the skills taught was how to praise a child. Praise was [...]