You may not realize that even though you can’t always control your initial reaction to fear, you can control your response to perceived fear. The biochemical reaction to fear lasts about [...]
I was fascinated with a recent documentary series in which the producers followed 7 adults, ages 21 to 26, as they posed as students at Highland Park High School in Topeka, Kansas, during the [...]
Parents, stay up to date. There is a new device called the Juul that doesn’t look like an e-cigarette but is. It is a vaping device. You might see it and not know that it is not a USB drive [...]
I watched the Duke-North Carolina basketball game last night. Full disclosure, I am an avid Duke fan and have followed Duke basketball for years. But last night, when a Flagrant 1 foul was called [...]
Most parents don’t think their kids are watching porn. However, a 2016 Indiana University study did a preliminary analysis of data of more than 600 pairs of children and their parents. The [...]
Screen time is a battle ground in most households across America. If you are a parent trying to raise healthy children, how are you doing when it comes to listening to the experts about screen [...]
It’s post Valentine’s Day and the pressure is least that might be thought of some couples. One day to celebrate romance, has come and gone but what if you are not feeling the [...]
We hear a lot about couples who are not happy and end up divorcing, especially couples in the celebrity world. But there are many happy couples who have learned the secrets to a happy [...]
When Aldous Huxley wrote the novel Brave New World in 1932, people thought he was describing a totalitarian nightmare. However today, we might align more with the notion of wanting an ideal [...]
All of us need to be encouraged on a regular basis given the stress of our lives and the problems we face. The biblical psalmist tells us to encourage ourselves in the Lord. But I never thought I [...]