If you are thinking of getting married or already married, you may be interested in what couples who have been married 10 or more years say is important in making a relationship work. These [...]
Rachel’s husband wonders what is going on with her lack of sexual desire. She’s just not very interested in having sex and this is a change. He brought up the subject and she is [...]
Jerry, often described as toxic, is a co-worker whom you try to avoid as much as possible. You know, that person who seems to be completely unaware of the chaos and negativity he or she brings to [...]
Bipolar disorder has been a mental health disorder that has been difficult to understand in terms of its origins and risk factors. But now, a team of researchers who worked with the University of [...]
Think about your workplace? Are you excited to be there, happy to think about going to work each day, or simply enjoy your office environment? If you say YES, it could have to do with the people [...]
Eating dirt is called pica. It’s a mental health condition. But eating a laundry pod is not called anything but stupid! You heard me, the new thing? Try biting into one of those blue and [...]
Something is wrong in your relationship. You just know it, but can’t really put your finger on why you feel so unsettled. The last thing you want to think about is the possibility that your [...]
Ahh…sleep, we all love it but don’t get enough of it. Most of us are walking around sleep deprived. And we think, OK, I need to do better and try to get more sleep. No big deal! [...]
“We need to talk.”It might seem obvious, but people don’t do it. When you have a problem in your relationship, talk to the person in the relationship, not to your friends, [...]
Sleep: We need it and try to get it. But some nights we find ourselves tossing and turning and unable to find rest. And when we don’t rest, we can wake up tired and cranky. We look at our [...]