First let me say, how sorry I am for the people in that Texas church who were shot and killed. The pain of loss must be so great right now for their families and friends. At the time of this [...]
Beauty is an advantage in our society. That’s why people spend billions of dollars on plastic surgery. But what happens when you, like most of us, aren’t one of the “beautiful [...]
“Linda, you go to church. Why are we seeing all these pictures of historical men and signs about the reformation? Is this some big deal?” Actually, yes, It is a big deal in the [...]
Sarah grew up in the church as a Christian. But this past month, she found herself doubting her faith. Her health had taken a downward turn and she was racked with pain almost daily. The [...]
I come from a long line of worriers. Although faith is important, we never talked about how to live worry free. We managed worry. But as I got older and began to study worry in scripture, I came [...]
Social networking sites that connect former flames and allow users to make new friends online are being blamed for an increasing number of marital breakdowns. Talk to any divorce lawyer and he or [...]
Do you compare yourself to other people? Most likely you would answer, Yes! Hey, we all belong to the sisterhood of the traveling dissatisfied pants. Comparisons are easy to do in this saturated [...]
Talking to your child’s in-laws can bring some interesting challenges. What do you do if you are at a dinner party with your son in-law’s parents and they share intimate information [...]
People who struggle with depression often go to their primary care doctor and are placed on antidepressants. In some cases, a formal evaluation of depression is not even conducted. But even when [...]
“Desperate” was the word that kept rolling off the lips of the people sitting in my living room. We were an odd bunch—a former Methodist minister and president of several colleges, a former [...]