Tom noticed that he feels anxious most of his day. He can’t really put his finger on why, but tells me it’s an overall feeling. Tom suffers from Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD). [...]
Waking up to the news of another mass shooting means there are families in grief, traumatized survivors and parents who are trying to make sense of this to their children and themselves. What do [...]
Kim and Jack have worked together now for the past five years. Sometimes, in a joke, Jack refers to her as his “work wife.” They spend most of their day together, work on projects and go to lunch [...]
If you struggle with depression, your physician may recommend you take an antidepressant. The question that often comes up is how effective are antidepressants? A new mega analysis looked to [...]
It’s easy to feel overworked and burned out. Jack came home one day, packed a bag and left his family. They were worried sick about his mental state and safety. It turned out that Jack was [...]
“I’m stressed out, tired, exhausted.” From moms to executives, these words reflect a growing state in which many people feel they live. Stress is a byproduct of our postmodern life. We feel we [...]
The in-laws! What came to mind when you hear those two words? Handling in-laws can be tricky for most every couple. Let’s face it, as the in-law, you are an outsider to a family system that [...]
As we talked, I wondered, has Diane been taken captive? All through the dinner, Diane spoke with great enthusiasm about her job. It was her identity, the thing she worked for all her life, the [...]
Take out the trash please I will in a minute. How about now? I will get to it later, don’t worry But we do worry with some people. Seems they procrastinate when it comes to getting things done. [...]