Do you wake up some days and simply find yourself in a bad mood? It is easy to do. There are so many things that can disrupt our lives and bring us down if we let them. The key is to not let [...]
Do you bite your nails, squeeze the toothpaste in the middle or buy more gourmet coffee than you can afford? These, and a number of bad habits, can be annoying to you and those you love. It may [...]
You made vows before the Lord. You promised to be with this person through sickness and in health, good or bad times. Right now, those vows feel impossible to honor. The marriage is so [...]
College student, Ann, told her professor that she was offended by a passage in a classical literature book. “I didn’t feel good reading it. It stirred up some difficult feelings so [...]
As I write this, I am on my way to Maine to see my dad who is lying in a hospital fighting for his life. He’s 96-years-old and has lived a good life. He loves the Lord and knows where he is [...]
One of the primary reasons people see a doctor is because of stress. Stress is not only considered a work hazard ,but it is linked to the six leading causes of death–heart disease, cancer, [...]
Sadie Robertson, Duck Dynasty reality TV star and runner up on Dancing With The Stars, blogged recently about the break up with her boyfriend. She described her relationship as passionate, but [...]
We all want healthy and meaningful relationships in our lives. Having a great relationship not only makes you feel better emotionally, but it also affects your health. So what does research on [...]
“Look Rachel, I married you, not your family. Stop acting like your mom.” Scott and Rachel were having a fight. Scott was angry. Down deep, Scott knew better than to say what he did. [...]