If you knew there were lifestyle changes you could make to prevent dementia, would you make those changes? Most of us would want to know what those lifestyle factors are. After all, dementia is [...]
Right now, think of someone who is extremely likable, who draws you in to conversation and can walk into a room and command peoples’ attention. This person is charming. You walk away and [...]
We hear so much hate expressed and acted out in our culture. Hate against the police, against those who are different, against groups, individuals. When O.J. Simpson was paroled, I heard news [...]
Debbie feels anxious about the presentation she has to make to the board tomorrow. She is trying to get a good night’s rest, but finds herself tossing and turning, her heart is racing, [...]
My heart is troubled as I read a negative news story about a Minneapolis woman who called police because she thought a neighbor was being sexually assaulted. Somehow, when the police arrived on [...]
Trust is foundational to any relationship. This is true whether we are talking about an intimate other or your boss at work. Working in an organization in which trust is absent affects [...]
John and Jill were not getting along. In talking to both individuals, it was clear that they suffered from 5 relationship mistakes. Here is what I noticed. Little to no alone time. Yes, this [...]
Developmental psychologists have long been studying what it takes to raise smart kids. The authors of Becoming Brilliant: What Science Tells Us About Raising Successful… Read the full post [...]
He was part of a clinical trial. Take this drug and your pain goes away. But he didn’t know if he was really getting the drug or if he was getting what is called a placebo–a pill that [...]
Since we are created with a body, soul and spirit, to ignore any one part results in an unbalanced life. To live a balanced life, we must attend to all parts of who we are. Because our culture [...]