When I was growing up, there was an embroidered picture that hung in my room. It was the Lord’s prayer…Now I lay me down to sleep…I would look at that picture, be reminded to [...]
This Memorial Day is a day set aside to remember those who have given their lives for our freedom. Thank you to all the families for your tremendous sacrifice. When loss enters our lives, we [...]
Can you make a decision and feel strong even if that decision turns out not to be the best? If so, you may be evidencing a type of mental strength. Or are you the type of person who makes a [...]
Monica struggles with depression and she is not alone. She is one in five people who will be diagnosed with a mental health disorder this year. And if she doesn’t address her depression, [...]
I was asked to be on a radio interview this a.m. to talk about the fad toy, the fidget spinner. Kids love them. Some teachers want to ban them from the classroom because they are distracting. The [...]
Today, so many children have to cope with stress and trauma beyond what we would like to see for them. Technology and media have brought events of trauma into our everyday lives. News stories of [...]
Think about every job you’ve had. Now think about the leader. The leader has everything to do with your memories of the job being a good one or a challenging one. So what is it about [...]
When John and Sue began to argue over a conflict involving parenting, Sue’s mom physically put herself between the two. She then quoted Matthew 5:9, “Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be [...]
Feeling disconnected? Just getting through your day? Nothing much excites you and life feels like a struggle. The Christian life promises joy and peace and you feel neither. What’s going [...]
Trouble comes and we often feel alone, even abandoned. Because of a crisis, we may feel as if there is no one who can understand us or help us through a painful time. And if we grew up in a [...]