No one likes to be out of control and feel vulnerable. In a moment, our lives can be changed through no action of our own. Things happen. Most of us have personal stories of loss and suffering. [...]
The wedding day was just like she dreamed it would be. Dressed in a stunning designer gown, surrounded by beautiful bouquets of flowers, a handsome groom and gracious guests, the $20,000 price [...]
We tend to think that having high expectations for ourselves or even other people is a good thing, but is it? John always wanted to go to medical school, but felt like no one ever guided him [...]
Divorce. Remarriage. Lots of change is involved and kids feel it! Jason stared at the floor, angry and frustrated. Sitting in my therapy office, a new hurdle confronts this shy fourteen year-old. [...]
“I can’t stand it when I make a mistake.” Ahhh…the words of a perfectionist. How do you know if you are one? Well, check yourself against this list. If you believe there [...]
It’s an age-old problem, but not one we may not recognize. Gender matters when it comes to marriage. Needs differ in terms of their priorities and focus. Take a recent situation with Julie and [...]
Relationships can be difficult. Some people are difficult because they are constantly suspicious and mistrust others. Every little thing that is said or done is more evidence for why they need to [...]
It’s a common complaint, “I can’t be me in this relationship. Ive lost myself and don’t know who I am.” But is it true that the other person defines you? Balancing [...]
It’s a common saying, “You need to take better care of yourself?” Or “Exercise a little self-care and you will feel better.” But I find many people are unable to do [...]
You can walk in a room, have a conversation and know if someone is a narcissist. How is that possible? Is it really that easy.? Researchers at Ohio State University say, “Yes.” They [...]