Before my mom passed away after years of serious health issues and treatment needs, it was like having a part time job. The toll of decision making, talking with doctors, [...]
Jill was fed up with her mom. Her solution? Cut off the relationship so she could be her own person. I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve heard, “I don’t [...]
Rick and Sue announced their marital separation. As we talked, I asked, “Have you ever been to a couple’s therapist to try and work out your problems?” Their answer, [...]
Mothers all over the country will be receiving flowers, candy and going out to dinner. There will be special celebrations and lots of different feelings about the mothers being honored. For [...]
People struggling in a marriage either wait too long to get relationship help or refuse help. Yet, we know how to help marriages headed to divorce. But there are [...]
Is your life a great adventure or are you just trying to survive the day? Be honest. When it comes to everyday living, most of us would opt for more adventure and less boredom. We waste too much [...]
Sitting with women friends at coffee one day, the conversation turned to the topic of mothers and daughters. There we sat, discussing how to feel like grown ups around our moms. Visits home often [...]
So many parents feel tremendous pain at having children who leave their Christian faith and do not go to church. According to studies by both Barna Group and USA Today, the staggering [...]
About a month ago, I visited the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum in DC. The experience was sobering, frightening, and chilling. This was clearly one of history’s darkest chapters. At [...]
Stress affects people differently. Some people carry stress in their physical bodies. Others are more stressed because of their thoughts. They worry and become anxious. When stress [...]