Prozac or God?

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Ask Dr. Linda: If I take Prozac am I not trusting God to heal me? Is this a lack of faith?

Dr Linda Helps – Question: I am clinically depressed and wonder if I should I take antidepressants. My counselor has recommended starting me on an antidepressant. Does this mean I lack faith or am not trusting God to heal me?

It is my opinion that antidepressants should not be the first course of treatment for depression unless the depression is known to be chemically based. Depression has many causes including biochemical but is also brought on by stress, learned helplessness, relationship problems, powerlessness, work problems, failed expectations, and loss to name only a few. Therapy and exercise can have dramatic effects.

If you suffer from severe clinical depression or are not responding to therapy, then medication can be helpful. Your choice isn’t medication or God. One doesn’t have to exclude the other. Medication can assist your healing. Therefore, I am not opposed to Christians using antidepressants.

As Christians however, we must always believe that God is our ultimate healer. We pray and believe for healing. So is taking medication a lack of faith? Not anymore than taking insulin is a lack of faith for healing of diabetes. Does a Christian diabetic pray to be healed? Yes. But until he sees evidence of the healing, he doesn’t throw away the insulin.

The same, I believe, is true for antidepressants. Our ultimate goal is to not need medication because God has healed us. However, until your healing manifests, you may need to take the pill.

What I have seen in therapy is that medication sometimes improves mood enough for people to revitalize their spiritual lives. Prozac and other medications don’t replace spirituality. We are not dependent on anything but God. Medications are simply agents to get you functioning again. Medications are not cures. Work on the causes of clinically depression.

An important step in your healing is to build your faith through the Word of God. The more you fill yourself with the Word, the more you can stand in faith for healing. Speak the Word of God over the depression. Claim His promise for a sound mind and peace. Stand on the Word no matter how you feel and you will get better.

If you find you need medication along the way, you haven’t let God down. Use what you need. Determine to depend on God and stand in faith. God sees your heart. Be willing to explore all aspects of the depression. For example, ask am I holding on to anger and hurt, am I not getting sleep and running myself in the ground, do I think negatively about most situations, do I need to change my behavior and thinking?

In today’s world, the quick and easy solution is to pop a pill. Medications can be abused and used to avoid parts of life in need of change. They can also be helpful when used appropriately.

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