Stress affects people differently. Some carry stress in their physical bodies. Physical symptoms emerge and tense muscles result. Others are more stressed because of their thoughts. They worry and become anxious. For those of you who feel body tension, use physical techniques to relax your muscle. Deep Muscle Relaxation
If stress originates more from your thoughts, you need cognitive strategies to help you relax. Two good ones are visualizing peaceful scenes and meditation. Now don’t get crazy on me and think I am about to embark on some New Age quest for serenity. I’m not talking about repeating mantras or engaging in transcendental meditation.
Christians can mediate and visualize. The Bible even directs us to do so, “… whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy-meditate on these things” (Phil 4:8, NKJV).
All you do is focus your mind on things that bring peace and a sense of well-being. Think about God’s intense love for you. Meditation is prayer. When we pray and spend time with our heavenly Father, we feel better and less stressed. We have a Dad who has promised to take care of us and meet our needs. If that doesn’t lessen your stress, nothing will.
I know that visualization and meditation have a bad rap because they are usually associated with New Age and Eastern religions. But Christians have an intimate relationship with an awesome God. You can think about His promises and mediate on His love. When you do, tension leaves and you feel refreshed in spirit and mind.
When you feel stressed and tense, you can also visualize yourself in a quiet peaceful place. This is calming. Some people like to imagine themselves on a sunny beach with a gentle breeze, the smell of the ocean, clear skies and water. Other people find a mountain cabin in the snow to be a quiet calming place. Still others imagine basking eternally in the presence of Christ. It doesn’t matter what scene you choose, just think of something peaceful and try to engage all your senses in the scene. All this does is distract your anxious thoughts to a place of peace.
The idea behind meditation and visualization is to clam your anxiety and bring you peace. We know that true peace comes from having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. One of His promises is to keep us in perfect peace if we keep our mind stayed on Him (Isaiah 26:3). God is the author of peace and serenity. Think about Him, His goodness, His love, and all He has done for you.