Do Violent Video Games Really Harm Kids?

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Dr Linda Helps – Question: My mom and dad don’t want me to play violent video games. My friends say they are really fun and only entertainment. It seems everyone plays these games, and they aren’t shooting people at school. What’s the big deal?

Dr. Linda: The big deal is that violent video games can lead to aggression. Studies support the idea that violent video games increase aggression and delinquency–two things you, your parents and friends should care about. Here’s what recent studies tell us about violent video games:

· They aren’t just entertainment. If you play violent video games, you can think and act more aggressively. If you are male, you may even see the world as hostile after playing these games.

· Violent video games can teach you violent ways to think.

· Violent video games allow you to practice being violent.

· If you practice violence in games, you can access this information for real-life situations.

· The more knowledgeable you become about violence, the more it may affect your personality (not in a good way!).

· There is a relationship between playing violent games and delinquent behavior. The more violent video games played, the more delinquent behavior occurred.

· There is a relationship between playing a lot of video games (any games) and poor grades. More time playing games led to poor academic achievement.

So the big deal is that we don’t know how much those games affect kids in terms of violence and shooting people. We do know that you are affected, and one effect is increased aggression. So why play these games?

Let me also reassure you that not everyone is playing these games. Some parents have enough sense to know that putting violent images in the head of anyone is not a good idea. We think a lot of stuff doesn’t bother us when in truth it does. Listen to your parents. They aren’t trying to make your life miserable. They’re on to the potential dangers of these games. They probably want to do everything they can to prevent you from doing things that will hurt you. Sounds like you have great parents!

Conclusions based on research published in April 2000 Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, “Video games and aggressive thoughts, feelings, and behavior in the laboratory and in life”.

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