It’s a new year. Time to question your thinking, “I might need this someday!” All year long I’ve stared at that cluttered basement–wrapping paper everywhere, [...]
It’s the start of a brand new year. Happy 2015! Once again, you determine to make a fresh start. You’ve thought it through. There are a few things on your list of TO DOs this new [...]
Caregiving an elderly parent is not an easy job. The toll of decision making, talking with doctors, flying home on a regular basis and taking care of multiple needs can be physically and [...]
MERRY CHRISTMAS I had to laugh as I watched the commercial. A woman and man were running towards each other just like you see in an old romantic movie. But as they get nearer and nearer, arms [...]
It’s a familiar part of the Christmas story.Luke 1: Zechariah is told by the angel, Gabriel, that his wife Elizabeth would have a child. This proclamation was surprising because Elizabeth [...]
I was driving down the road the other day when a song played on my phone. It touched me and it will touch you. I encourage anyone who will be missing a special someone this holiday season to [...]
Question: We will be traveling to our relatives in another state for several family gatherings during Christmas. Two of my siblings are problem drinkers and I am not sure how to handle this with [...]
A reader asks: As much as I love to shop on-line, I prefer to tackle the masses during Christmas and head to the malls and store. My question is, “How can I shop with two little ones (ages [...]
Joanne looked at the chocolate-covered donut in her hand. As she took her first bite, she wondered, “Why am I eating this? I”m not really hungry, but the plate of goodies [...]
It’s the most wonderful time of the year….well, not for everyone. Holidays can be difficult if you struggle with your mood and family issues. However, there are proactive ways [...]