Looking for a special doll for your young daughter this Christmas? Well, there is one that has stirred up quite a bit of controversy. It’s called Breast Milk Baby and is sold through [...]
If the TV is on in a room, do infants pay attention to it? If so, does it influence them? Researchers at Tufts University say YES! One-year-olds can be influenced by messages from television. [...]
Are you easily angered? Do you have a low tolerance for frustration. Does any little thing annoy and frustrate you? Are you tired of feeling out of control? If so, consider these five… Read [...]
Are you feeling that after turkey bloat and wondering, “How I am going to make it through the… Read the full post here »
The day after a holiday it is easy to think, “I’ve blown it. I ate way too much. I’ll never get these extra pounds off.” Don’t go there in your thinking. Instead, [...]
From my home to yours, enjoy the feast, give thanks and relax! … Read the full post here »
One of my favorite movies is an endearing foreign film entitled, Babette’s Feast. The setting is a small coastal danish town where twin sisters live a pious life as daughters of a Lutheran [...]
When comedian Ellen Degeneres stepped out of her shower wrapped like a mummy to show America how she prepared for the Oscars in 2011, we all got a good laugh. She was engaging in one of the [...]
A number of parents email me concerned about their children having nightmares and want to know how to help. Sometimes the cure is obvious. Take the case of my neighbor who, during a family movie [...]
It’s “Casino Night” at the local high school. The flyer sent home reads, “Bring your family for a night of food and fun and raise money for our school.” But is exposing kids to the real world of [...]