People leave churches for all kinds of reasons. But when Jimmy bit Chelsea during the praise and worship time, Chelea’s family neeeded a little more grace and a better understanding of child [...]
Terry slouched on my therapy couch and mumbled, “My mom has a new husband. She wants me to be nice to him but I don’t feel like being nice. I’m sick and tired of not seeing my dad. I don’t like [...]
A few years ago, Connecticut’s Attorney General and US Senate candidate, Richard Blumenthal, was caught lying about his service in Viet Nam. According to reports, this wasn’t the first time he [...]
Is your wife nagging you? Take this as a good sign. It might mean she is still invested in the marriage and not ready to walk away. Maybe you’ve heard about the Walk-away Wife Syndrome. [...]
Terrance, age 40, has quit multiple jobs because of boredom. At home, he has several projects going at once, has trouble concentrating and rarely finishes one thing before moving on to the next. [...]
Reader Question: I am in the middle of a big argument with my mom and sister. The issue is between me and my mom but my sister sides with mom and the two of them gang up on me. I am always [...]
GET OUT THERE AND VOTE TODAY! It’s important! No excuses! Just do it! … Read the full post here »
Reader Question: When mom and dad are so stressed from kids and work, what kind of strain does that put on marriages? And what about temptation? Stress either pushes you… Read the full [...]
“People who are pro life are pro rape.” “People who are pro choice want to kill babies.” I’m sickened by both political parties making outrages attacks and [...]
It has been a traumatic week. The raging winds and rains of hurricane Sandy have wreaked havoc in the lives of so many along the East Coast and even inland this time around. Now, days after the [...]