Last night, I did a live webinar on Food Addiction and emotional eating. So many of the call-in questions concerned what to do instead of reaching for food when emotionally upset. This is a great [...]
“Hi. I am John and I am a food addict.” Somewhere in a 12-step group called Food Addicts in Recovery, John is working his steps and kicking what he believes is an addiction to food. [...]
A few weeks ago, a fired worker unloaded his rage at his Minneapolis employer through a shooting spree that wounded two, killed six people and then shot himself. It appears that mental illness [...]
Lindsay Lohan could be quoting the title of my book pictured here, I Love My Mother But…She may love her mother, but the two are quite the dysfunctional pair. The latest incident reported by all [...]
Today is National Depression Screening Day. Free screenings are happening all around the country to bring awareness and help for those suffering from depression. Check out this slide presentation [...]
Imagine floating above clouds,witnessing transparent, shimmering beings arced across the sky…leaving long, streamer like lines behind them. That was the experience of a reputable [...]
Years ago, martial researcher, John Gottman, discovered an easy marker for healthy relationships. It can provide you a quick assessment on how well you are doing with your partner. The [...]
Steve and Jan are growing apart. Their lack of connection is impacting their children and they need help. They have talked about going to see a couple therapist, but are reluctant. Yet, research [...]
Yesterday I was talking on a national radio show about anxiety. We had call ins the entire hour. People wanted to know more about anxiety and how to treat it. If you struggle with anxiety, you [...]
This week, a television viewer wrote anchorwoman, Jennifer Livingston at WKBT-TV in LaCrosse Wisconsin, an email informing her that she was overweight. He went on to say that she is not an [...]