Do you struggle with eating when you are not hungry? Do you grab the bag of chips, sit in front of the TV and finish them off without thinking? Do you eat when you are bored, tired, or want to [...]
Experienced mom and dog behavior consultant, Jennifer Shryock, gives 10 helpful tips on what to do when children visit your home and you have a dog. I thought this was worth passing along Plan [...]
Successful coping with stress involves using the resources you have. First, identify your resources. What do you have available to help you (think about tangible things–support, money, [...]
Because of the recent teen suicides reported in the news, our national attention has once again been focused on cyber-bullying. No longer do we worry about the loud mouth school bully who pushes [...]
If your parents divorced, are you more likely to divorce as well? Click below to listen to the podcast and learn more. [display_podcast]
I was sitting in church a few weeks ago when a guest speaker was talking about his family’s decision to give away their two small eight-year-old dogs. I could hardly listen to the story and the [...]
Question: I know that when I overeat, I gain weight but I can’t seem to stop. I hate how I look and am embarrassed to have people see me in a bathing suit. Why do I keep overeating? I don’t want [...]
What causes eating disorders? This simple question has a complex answer. Families are mystified as to what makes a 16 year-old jeopardize her health. Friends are disgusted by the vomiting sounds [...]
“She’s fat.” “He’s fat.” “You’re fat!” “I’m so fat.” How many times have we heard or said these phrases in our lifetime? America’s obese are subject to tremendous psychological burdens. Obesity [...]
Sandy is typical of someone trying to lose weight. When she opens her medicine closet, weight loss products abound. There is a cream to rub on the thighs to make cellulite disappear. So far, not [...]