It’s that dreaded moment. You slip off your shoes (that’s at least two pounds), your jacket (another pound), your watch (few ounces) and step on the scales. You don’t want to look because you [...]
Most women hate their bodies. Compared to women who grace magazine covers, books, CDs, movies, TV… well there is no comparison! The average model is 5’8”, wears a size 2 and weighs 110 pounds. [...]
If you work to avoid negative emotional states such as anxiety and depression, perhaps work has taken on an addictive quality. In a state of frustration, Rachel recounted her life. [...]
If you, like millions of Americans, feel stressed out and in need of a long vacation you can’t afford to take, don’t sweat it. There is a lot you can do to de-stress yourself. Keep in mind that [...]
“Sure I’ll cook for the spaghetti dinner.” “Yes I can baby-sit your children for the day.” “Yes, I can chair another committee.” “Since no one else will volunteer, I guess I’ll do it.” Do you [...]
Stress affects people differently. Some carry stress in their physical bodies. Physical symptoms emerge and tense muscles result. Others are more stressed because of their thoughts. They worry [...]
Mom stands for Mother On the Move You wake up at 6:30 a.m. and feed the baby. The two preschoolers, Jack and Jill, wake up. The baby cries. Jill needs her bottom wiped, and Jack has just spilled [...]
Competing in the global market has brought change to American industry. More Americans are working harder and longer hours just to maintain their current standard of living. Yet, many still [...]
You may think smoking relaxes you. Think again! Smokers are more stressed than nonsmokers. Have you ever said this, “I smoke because it calms me down. I need cigarettes to relax me?” You may be [...]
What are you doing to reduce stress in your life? Stress is something we all experience. Your lifestyle can add to stress or it can help calm you down. What are you doing to reduce stress in your [...]