Some would argue as to whether or not this is the most wonderful time of the year given the potential for family conflict. And yes, some conflict will occur when it comes to your family. But, [...]
It’s not Christmas yet, but are you over Christmas? Now before you think I am Mr. Scrooge, I am not asking if you are over the holiday itself. Rather, are you overspending, overeating or [...]
a Do you have Christmas traditions? Perhaps this is the year to revive them or begin new ones. I was thinking about this because I overheard a group of millennials talking about how sad they were [...]
If there is one thing we love about the holidays, it is the food. If there is one thing we hate about the holidays, it is the potential weight gain. So how concerned should we be and what do we [...]
It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Or is it? Not everyone agrees given the family stress that often accompanies this time of year. So, every year, I remind us to create a positive [...]
The other night, one of our newscasters said she was already behind on Christmas! And I thought, it’s only one week past Thanksgiving. How can you already be behind? But I know a lot of people [...]
“Jennifer, we need to talk about your low productivity numbers. You are not reaching the goal and are far behind your fellow workers. Now, let me say, there are some bright spots in your work” [...]
Try this easy experiment and see what happens to your mood. Begin each day with three specific statements of gratitude. The holistic benefits of this small daily discipline may surprise you. [...]
During the pandemic I read an interesting book by the former surgeon general, Dr. Vivek Murthy called Together. He went on a listening tour of America in a quest to better understand America’s [...]
It’s a common complaint in therapy, “He (or she) is so controlling.” But what does that mean exactly? Well, it can actually mean a lot of things but here are 10 common signs to determine if [...]